Food Shot 201: Pro Studio Lighting

From the wonders of the foto workshop I attended ran by the Federation of Philippine Photographers Foundation, instructed by the country's premiere photographers sir Vic Sison and Rod Banzon, here's what serious food photographers still in the beginning stages of the career should do...

 The photo above of a wine glass was lit up inside a tent with 2 black illustration boards on the side. The black color should accentuate the borders of the transparent glass. After some test shots tweaking the white balance on my cam, I got a better shot below:

 NOTE: Did you wonder where the bubbles came from? Someone poured apple juice and used a straw to create the bubbles. Ok ok I know, juice is not supposed to be in the wine glass- just need to be resourceful from time to time especially when no wine /champagne was in sight.

The glass was later substituted with pasta, which needed a fill-in light. Here's a top view illustration of the main light and the bouncer. (Apologies for the bad drawing)
The  pasta with roe photo published on June 28th was a product of the studio lighting minus the external flash. I just had to max out my ISO to 1600 at this point to avoid camera shake :)

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