What does Hair have to do with Food?

Did your mother ever tell you to always cut your hair shorter regularly to keep the nutrients in? Mine did! I grew up always having short, healthy hair. As I became older, I started experimenting with the length and color of my hair only to realize that when I'm stressed out and not eating well, my hair fall would quadruple.

When I heard about Madison Reed hair color without the harsh chemicals, I jumped on the chance to experiment... uh, cover... my mum's gray hair and see how it works. After a few months, my mum who eats healthier meals than I do has not complained of dry hair or extra hair fall.

Mom has some highlights and white hair at the top.
hair color
Pretty easy to follow the instructions (not shown on pic) on what to do.
Gray hair, no more! The color has a slight purple tint to it when under sunlight.

Disclaimer: I'm an affiliate of Madison Reed. I only post my review for products I have tried and stand by.

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